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Friday, June 22, 2012

Last Post

I am sorry to say that this is the last post I will type for this blog.
I won't delete the blog, so you can come and look at any old posts.
If you would like to still read more, you can go on some other blogs I have created. 
Here are the following URLs for the blogs listed below:

Silver and her adventures -
Onigiri Anime -
Gastropod Pals -

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Instructions Into Relaxation

Relaxing is an important part of everyones day.  So here are some tips on how to do it.

- Lay down in bed with one of your favorite books.  
- Put on some soothing music and just close your eyes.
- Sketching makes everyone feel better, especially when you sketch out how you feel.
- Think of your goals and ways of accomplishing them.
- Rearrange posters or the furniture of your room.  Remember to ask an adults permission before.
- Try thinking of your own ways of relaxing!

That is the way you nap the Cat Nap!